Varicose Vein
At the Hamilton Vein Clinic we specialize in the treatment of varicose veins and spider veins.

Our Services
Welcome to the website for the Hamilton Vein Clinic
We provide clinical consultations by specialists in vein disorders and offer a wide range of treatment options.
Our medical staff consists of:
- General Surgeons
- Vascular Surgeons
- Phlebologist
- Registered Vascular Technologist
- Certified Compression Therapy Consultants
Clinical consultations, diagnostics and some procedure fees are covered by OHIP.
Chronic Venous Disease
Heavy legs, feeling of swelling and leg pain
A feeling of discomfort in your legs may be a sign of an underlying venous disorder. These symptoms include tired and achy legs. You may experience them especially when sitting or standing for prolongued hours. During summer time, those symptoms may increase due to the heat. These symptoms are typically associated with swollen feet and ankles (especially in the evening). As for edemas (swellings) that occur after several hours spent in transportation (airplane, car, train, bus), some easy tips will help you travel long distance with more comfort. Night cramps are seldom from venous origin. It is important to know that leg pains are not all of venous origin. It is therefore recommended to see your doctor in order for him/her to do a diagnosis and to propose the right treatment for you.
Our Patients Say
knowledgeable and friendly. The clinic is very clean and well run. I am very happy
with the results.
moderate to severe Varicose Veins. They have both been very helpful in teaching
and improving my knowledge about the condition as well as treating it medically.
The results have been amazing.
Hamilton Vein clinic is by far one of the best. Pain was non-existent, only slight
sensation. I would definitely return if I ever had another occurrence. Great staff
overall great experience. I would recommend them to anyone!
was excellent, the results were amazing. My veins were treated quickly and
Dr. Gagic is very experienced, professional and cares about his patients.”
the results and I highly recommend the Hamilton Vein Clinic to anyone who needs
very pleased with my experience. I am very pleased with the results of my
treatments. I would highly recommend the Hamilton Vein Clinic.